About Us


Alternative-energy-headlinesThe Commodity Shop is a total energy management solutions company providing Businesses with clear solutions to reduce and control their energy costs. Our energy management services present a complete cost effective strategy providing energy auditing, monitoring, power factor analysis, cost certainty, risk management and fundamentally important the most technologically advanced energy efficient lighting and water systems.In a dynamic marketplace for energy, competitive rates represent

 just one element of cost control. Reducing consumption/usage must take a critical position in reducing overall costs on an ongoing basis. There is no doubt that energy rates are increasing and the most cost effective method of reducing utility expenditures is by reducing consumption. This can be simply accomplished without any sacrifice to your business performance. Energy efficiency will not just lower costs; it has the added value of increasing environmental sustainability.

The Commodity Shop is uniquely positioned to provide any business the most advanced energy efficient products and technology available in today’s marketplace. A simple LED or Induction lighting retrofit will result in Instant Savings, reductions in electricity costs of 40% – 86% and typical ROI’s of 12 to 18 months.Additionally, our objective is to create a

positive impact to the profitability and competitive position of your business y developing an energy strategy for electricity and natural gas that fits our organization’s unique needs and exposure to market volatility. Our recommendations are provided only after a thorough analysis of your usage and load profiles. We review your business objectives and facility requirements and then provide recommendations and solutions to fulfil your specific application.

Every business whether retail, commercial, industrial, corporate or hospitality, large or small has their own particular needs and tolerance for risk.There is no standard program. Our clients are our partners. Accordingly, we regularly provide current market analysis as necessitated by a volatile nergy marketplace. With today’s dynamic economy the needs of our clients can instantly change. Representing all of North America’s top energy suppliers we are positioned to expeditiously react to our partners changing needs. Ourreputation for eaningful results has created a client portfolio that not only includes the Government of Canada but also large and small commercial and industrial usinesses throughout Canada.

The process starts with you and your business. We take the initiative to understand your business and facility requirements. We provide recommendations and solutions that meet your specific needs.
The result is a facility and business that is accessing energy from a company that represents North America’s top electricity and natural gas suppliers, a business that is now energy efficient, less expensive to operate and maintain, considerably more comfortable and one that meaningfully contributes to environmental sustainability while enjoying Immediate and Long Term Savings.

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